Let's go on a trip

The joy of being together

Special Service 특별한 서비스


Relaxing, beautiful time

편안한 휴식 아름다운 시간 화천월지

Where romantic storytelling begins with you on a new trip,
You can feel the beauty of all seasons and you will be happy
from the moment you hit your feet.

Room’s Preview

경주 화천월지 독채 객실

  • 한옥독채
  • 인원 : 기준 2 / 최대 4
한옥독채 View More
  • 한옥독채
  • 인원 : 기준 2 / 최대 4

Hanok Interior

한옥 인테리어

Where romantic storytelling begins with you on a new trip,
You can feel the beauty of all seasons and you will be happy
from the moment you hit your feet.

Facilities 경주 화천월지 부대시설

Drawing Memories